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    Why is the Law on Gender Equality important?

    In recent months, the Law on Gender Equality has come under attack, which is misinterpreted and calls for its “repeal”. We, activists for equality, women’s and human rights, say that this law is important to us, that it concerns all citizens of Serbia and that we will defend it resolutely, just as we resolutely fought for its adoption.

    African american girl standing indoors and looking at the camera. She’s showing an message that says Stop Racism on her hands.

    The press release states that the Law on Gender Equality states that we are all equal.

    It is not unconstitutional, as it is wrongly stated, but is precisely in accordance with the Constitution, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of any personal characteristic, guarantees the equality of women and men and prescribes the obligation of the state to develop a policy of equal opportunities in order to achieve real, essential equality. Essential equality means that we have not only equal rights, but also responsibilities and equal opportunities to enjoy rights in education, social and health care, on the labor market and in all other areas, to be equally represented and to participate in decision-making on issues that concern us all , as well as to benefit equally from the results of work.

    This law states that it is forbidden for someone to harass, humiliate, threaten, condition, sexually blackmail or harass us, to commit violence or to treat us unequally because of pregnancy, parenthood, or adoption. It says that the state is obliged to provide protection against violence regardless of where it occurs. This law is not “violence against the family”, but a guarantee that the state authorities will react to domestic violence, when it occurs.

    This law states that we have equal access to jobs, that we must be paid equally for work of equal value, that we can progress equally in our careers, that women must not be fired from work because they are pregnant or have small children. It also says that the unpaid housework, which is performed daily by almost all women in connection with taking care of children, the family, and the home, will be evaluated, as well as the unpaid work of men. It also says that women who are not employed and perform unpaid housework will have the right to health insurance. This law does not “destroy family values”, but ensures a balance between family and business life, but also contributes to the improvement of family relations based on equality, respect and solidarity.

    This law states that women have the right to be addressed in the feminine gender, to be what they are, doctors, engineers, professors, ministers, as well as hairdressers, cleaners, cooks and educators. This law confirms that women and men are equal and equally valuable.

    Because we want to live in a society where women and men, girls and boys have equal opportunities and conditions to live, work, develop and progress, because we know that such a society is a prerequisite for economic development and a better life, we are ready to resolutely we defend the Law on Gender Equality and demand its consistent implementation.

    By the end of March, this request was signed by 70 organizations fighting for human rights and 30 individuals.


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