HomeGalerijaDiploma award ceremony for peer educators

Diploma award ceremony for peer educators

We concluded the program for peer education with a celebration at the end of the year, on the 9th of December 2024, by awarding ceremony. As a symbol of the recognition of their effort and dedication, as well as, their engagement and achieved results, the peer educators who are the most active in transferring their acquired knowledge and experiences with their peers were awarded with laptops (total of 8).

Gifts were prepared for the other participants in the program as well, that along with symbolizing the recognition of their work, will service as motivation for further learning and involvement.

This peer education program has long-term goals – not only to contribute through educating the youth about their rights, safety and possibilities of actively participating within society, but to also empower a whole generation who is going to continue fighting discrimination and violence within their communities. The awarding of certificates and laptops portrays a very important moment in this process, not only as a symbol of their achievements, but as an incentive for further expanding their education and support within peer groups.

Through this project, as well as through the activities realized in the 2024, our organization reaffirms our dedication to working with the youth with the goal of creating a more inclusive, equal and safe society. Through initiatives like these, we are able to keep on contributing to positive changes within the society and to keep giving young people the tools and support that is needed for building a better future.

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